So. I've decided to start up my blog again. So for this I refreshed the whole image of the blog, and I have big plans, as you can see below. This time I will write it on a more organized way. My future plans are as follows:
I want to write a blogpost every second monday, meaning that you can read it at tuesday morning at latest. I am writing in english, though it's possible that I will translate some of them to Hungarian.
Another new thing is that I want to post photos, and as time goes by, I want to have a photo-post every other week, but I don't promise, that I will do that immediately.
Also in the future I would like to have every new post in english, hungarian and norwegian as well, from next year.
Also I would like to have a catalogue of the blogs I'm reading, so if you want to be one of them, and you are more then welcome to tell it in a comment.
In the next three days I'm writing three other posts in order to celebrate that I'm back :) Next post is coming this evening!