socially pingvin

Count your blessings

2013. november 28. - döm

I decided that this year I also count my blessings. At least some of them. So:
I'm thankful for the life I live, the ups, and downs, thankful for all the difficulties, what I passed behind, and for those which are waiting for me. I'm also grateful for the nice times, and for my life is full with joy and fun.
I can't express how blessed do I feel for the people who love me here and home.
I'm thankful to be a human, a child of God, and that I got so much good things what I didn't deserve.
I'm thankful for I can breathe, move, feel, think so that I can experience this beautiful world I live in.
I'm thankful for the places and moments of my life, what I could go through, I'm thankful for the road what led where I am now, and I'm thankful for all things where I'm going next.
Happy thanksgiving to everyone!

Tipical blogger-disease

Just because disease describes better this situation, than hungarian "betegség".

So yeah, you know, when you have amazing toughts approximately all the time, but when you sit in front of the computer. Sorry, I'll make some efforts, to be better :)

And maybe am going to use some hungarian as well soooon.

Addig is: Csókoltatok mindenkit (Coz hungarian describes this part better :)

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