'Of course you want' said everyone who ever read the title. But I want to say that I don't want to have friends, and neither should you. I'm not saying that having friends is bad, no. That is one of the most awesome thing on earth. Still I think that no one should set an aim like 'I want to have new friends'. Because first of all, how on earth are you doing that? By going to someone and saying: 'Hi, please like me and be my friend.'? Well it doesn't sound to natural.
I belive that the best is to be someone's friend and not get them. Be there when he needs you. Comfort her when she is sad. Cheer with her when she is happy. Encourage him when he has doubts etc. Not just having people around in case of needs
No one can force people to like him/her, and no one gets friends out of thin air. You must make sacrifices. The question is if you are basing your relationships on good sacrificies or bad ones. Someone might lie to get people like him. Someone else might pretend that she is a different person than she actually is and so on. Or you can choose not to give up your personality, but your ego for others. You can choose instead of giving up your dignity to give up your pride. Instead of competing giving love.
My purpose is therefore to be person who not just getttin friends but to is a friend for people. Someone who is interested in them, who carers about what kind of persons they are and what happens to them.