socially pingvin

"The world ain't half as bad as it painted to be"

2014. augusztus 23. - döm

I'm in Romania at the moment. This is a poor country, at least the poorest where I've been to this year. And probably all my life. right now I'm sitting in them calm august evening listening to the song of the cicalaes, and relaxing.

Of course, as an outsider I can't judge it properly, but it seems like people do keep up living here. And yes, it is harder, but yes, and a thousand times yes, you can always look on the brighter side of life. And yes, maybe it's been said several tousand time in life, but in practice it's always harder. Oh, sorry that meant to be a short introduction to my photosession about Satu Mare.

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Happiness behind tomatoes

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I still don't know what this wehicle is for, but he seems to be cool :)

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Kitchen minimal

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Bergen beer. This must be a sign.

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Mosaic on a blockhouse

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Waiting for better future. Or an old Ikarus bus with sunset painted on it.

Welcome back to Pingvin!


So. I've decided to start up my blog again. So for this I refreshed the whole image of the blog, and I have big plans, as you can see below. This time I will write it on a more organized way. My future plans are as follows:

I want to write a blogpost every second monday, meaning that you can read it at tuesday morning at latest. I am writing in english, though it's possible that I will translate some of them to Hungarian.
Another new thing is that I want to post photos, and as time goes by, I want to have a photo-post every other week, but I don't promise, that I will do that immediately.
Also in the future I would like to have every new post in english, hungarian and norwegian as well, from next year.
Also I would like to have a catalogue of the blogs I'm reading, so if you want to be one of them, and you are more then welcome to tell it in a comment.

In the next three days I'm writing three other posts in order to celebrate that I'm back :) Next post is coming this evening!


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