Coming home is always good. You can finally understand how much do you love those people you left home, and you can understand how much they love you. I don't know if there is anything cooler feel, than see someone after a long time, who you really care about. It is cool to be self confident about everything again, to understand everything around you on the street, and to feel that you're never going to be stranger there.
To finally see someone, to finally great someone, to finally talk to someone. "You know, I would hug the whole around me if there would be a possibility for it". I'm just so happy to see you again.
I'm just so happy that you can see what have i become, and I'm so happy to see the real you, not just an old picture of yours.
Haza menni mindig jó. Végre megérted, hogy mennyire szereted azokat, akiket otthon hagytál, és hogy ők mennyire szeretnek. Nem tudom, hogy van-e annál csodásabb, mint hosszú idő után látni azokat, akik számítanak neked. Menő újra magabiztosnak lenni, mindent érteni magad körül az utcán, de ami még több, megérteni, hogy itt soha nem leszel idegen.
Végre találkozni valakivel, üdvözölni, beszélgetni vele szemtől szembe. "Tudod én átölelném az egész világot ha volna olyan". Egyszerűen csak annyira boldog vagyok, hogy újra láthatlak titeket.
Úgy örülök, hogy láthatjátok mivé lettem, és úgy örülök, hogy végre látlak titeket teljes valótokban, nem csak egy régi fényképen nézlek.
It's hard to leave, because know that there is the possiblity that I'm not coming back. It's not hard because there is the possibility that I'm NOT COMING BACK, but because there is the POSSIBILITY, that I'm not coming back. If I know, that I'm not coming back, then I have time to prepare for it. I can say goodbye to everyone, I can close things inside me. I'm not saying that it's not heartbreaking, but at least I have a method to prepare, and live through. In case of uncertanity I can't even feel sorry for myself, for I have that little hope, that maybe, I'm coming back. I can't leave things behind, because I don't want to do that, if there is even a little chance that it's unnnecessary. It's like you never want to say goodbye to good things, but sometimes you have to. But in this case I don't know if it is really necessary, if I want to be realistic, I should just in case, but I don't want to be pessimistic, and I don't even want to talk about this possibility.