socially pingvin

hogy lehet nem csalódni az emberekben? (próbálkozom :P)

2009. november 02. - döm

All the promises I've broken, 
All the times I've let You down, 
You forgot them, but still I hold on to the pain that makes me drown
But now I'm ready to let it go, to give it away.

Take it all, 
Cause I can't take it any longer, 
All I have, I can't make it on my own, 
Take the first, take the last, 
Take the good and take the rest
Here I am, all I have, 
Take it all.

And all the roads that lie before me, 
All the struggles I go through, 
Give me a?secondary? reminder that it all belongs to You, 
Now I'm ready to let it go, to give it away.

And ever since I died to myself, 
You gave a better life to me, 
I give You my finest moment, 
I give You the last breath I breathe.

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